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Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Got the 3G Blues? Don't blame Apple

Reports are starting to surface after the 2.0.2 software update to indicate the sluggish and spotty reception is not Apple's fault. But we must point a finger at someone, why not AT&T? Sounds good . . . yes, lets go with that. My iPhone hasn't been fixed by the software update, and Apple surely did everything to address the issue so the carrier must be at fault.

All joking aside, chances are good that the blame falls on the carrier as it's their network that enables the connection. Surely we don't blame Apple when we get a slow internet connection on our Macs. How is this then any different?

I've read some other reports that claim the 3G network is over taxed with all the new iPhones pining for bandwidth. If this were the case wouldn't all 3G users be experiencing this problem across all devices? Allow me to answer myself . . . no! iPhone users experience the network problems because it's the only handset with fully integrated internet features . . . remember, Steve said it's the internet in your pocket. Blackberry users get the mobile internet (basically the internet without any pictures or other media - it sucks) along with Palm users (cricket, cricket). That being said, Apple would benefit by putting the screws to AT&T to encourage them to get more towers in more places so I can get 'more service in more places - the new AT&T'. Where's James Earl Jones when you need him?

I say we blame AT&T, who's with me??

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